Dead Rising follows the harrowing tale of Frank West, an overly zealous freelance photojournalist on a hunt for the scoop of a lifetime. In pursuit of a juicy lead, he makes his way to a small suburban town only to find that it has become overrun by zombies. He escapes to the local shopping mall, thinking it will be a bastion of safety but it turns out to be anything but. It will be a true struggle to survive the endless stream of undead, but players will have full reign of a realistic shopping center, utilizing anything they find to fight off the flesh-hungry mob and search for the truth behind the horrendous epidemic. The variety of different stores in the mall offers players an endless supply of resources including vehicles, makeshift weapons and more. Players will also encounter other survivors along the way and by helping them can acquire valuable clues as to what has happened.
Originally posted by FireIce:
is that a man in a dress?!?
this game is quite fun leh but is in xbox 360
it's retailing @ $90+
Damm it i love such games ley esp the pretty lady . , but i hate xbox ley Is it comming to ps3 or pc ?
so far only xbox360
to check on the other possible future platforms, u can go see the capcom site
Old fashion B grade movie violent! Love it! Too bad I dont have a 360.