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Let me begin my article by saying this: I do not absolutely, unconditionally hate the Playstation 3. The PS3 is a marvelous piece of equipment, and it's clear that Sony's engineers worked hard to put it together. But I'm getting sick and tired of people telling me how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Of course it's better than the other systems out there. That's how the world works. Newer things are technologically better, not worse. Would you really expect PS3 to be worse than PS2? I don't even hesitate to say it's better than the Xbox 360, because it happens to be newer than that too, and they worked longer to make it a superior console. But just because it's better in general than other consoles doesn't make it great, and it certainly doesn't make it worth buying. So let's move onÂ…my ten reasons why a PS3 isn't as good as you think it is:
Why Why, Tell us Why