Brief Summary: Two VSSE agents, Giorgio Bruno and Evan Bernard, were sent to investigate a weapons trafficing in an airport in america. Their cover was blown and all hell broke lose.... again. There, they met captain rush of the U.S. Joint Intelligence Division who will assist them throughout the story. They discovered that the weapon invloved in the trafficing was a bio-weapon called "terror bites" which looks and attacks like a swarm of insects controlled by a controller. From this on, they faught their way through till the end.
Personal rating:
Personal comment: I thought TC 4 was gonna be great, but turns out, its just another House of the dead 4...
. Yeah, the shooting is challanging, we get to use chain guns on the helicopter rides and the terror bites are fun to shoot at, but the story line is so damn boring compared to the first 3. It doesn't bring about the same element like in TC2 and TC3. Maybe its coz there is no girls involved in this version.
Anyway, this captain rush guy is so damn irritating, like a giant muscular scrappy-doo. He gets in the way and makes the stupidest comment, especially in boss 2. Also, boss 2 fight is pretty funny, WATCH OUT!!! BODY SLAM!!! and F!!!!
And, you probably know this, wild dog is back.... again.... doesn't that guy ever die?
In the end, its just another shooting where all is just shooting and nothing more.