My friend recommand me to SecondLife, an online game in which you have virtual life and also business. I created a charater for myself, but haven't figure out how to play it.
Is there anybody can teach me how to use it?
1. Is it necessary for me to buy a new land, so that i can build something new, such as shop, home? Or i can build things anywhere?
2. When i find some interesting places, it's very difficult for me to get there by running or flying, especially when it's very far from my current position. Is there any better way to get there?
3. I supposed i could meet many charater there on the land, but actually i didn't see anyone after i met a guy at the starting point. Where are they? Are they in any gathering places?
4. Anyway, it's very complicated for me, coz i never played any video games!!!!
since ur friend recommend so why dun u ask him?