When Theena the elf queen gives her daughter Kameo the power of self transformation, her sister Kalus grows jealous, and releases the ancient curse which held the Evil Troll King Thorn captive. Unleashing his army upon the world, Thorn captures the three Ancestors and the ten Elemental warriors. Guided by the Mystic, Kameo must rescue them all, and ultimately defeat Thorn. She battled through the badlands and each of the elemental temples to rescue her ancestors: Halis, Lenya, and Yeros. She in turn defeated 3 demons who held her ancestors. She also helped repel the troll invasion of the Enchanted Kingdom by protecting the 3 elemental shrines. Eventually she saught to confront Thorn in his domain. Farron, the army general, lead a full scale assault on the Troll forces while Kameo made her way to Thorn's Pass. There she confronted Lord Drok, a huge hulking robot made by the Trolls. The Trolls then lead an airship strike consisting of thousands of ships. Kameo sabatoged the ships and finally made her way to Thorn. In the end Kalus comes to her senses, and after Kameo as worn Thorn down, Kalus turns herself and Thorn into stone. It is also revealed that the Mystic was manipulating both Kameo, and Kalus. The mystic's motives are unknown but it is assumed that the mystic wanted the power of the elemental warriors. It is also known that she held an orb that could allow her to transform into the elemetal warriors. If Kameo had not gone to Thorn's pass the Mystic would have taken the Wotnot book from her. The Mystic flees at the end of the game and there is possibly a sequel in the works.