For ChineseChess(XiangQi) Fans-Xqmaster is the Champion!!!
Xqmaster is the champion of the 10th Computer Olympiad Chinese chess program, absolutely the super star among the Chinese chess software in the whole world. Xqmaster can play chess like a master player. Three kinds of languages are supplied by xqmaster, they are Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English. No wonder xqmaster can be welcomed by friends from different countries. Xqmaster will be an essential tool for Chinese chess players of all strengths making the chess games you play or analyze much more interesting, unpredictable and exciting than ever before. With Xqmaster you get an intelligent chess partner which actually learns and improves with you!
For the convenience of Singapore Friends, we supply services to all of you by this site, Welcome!!!
duno.. i only play GO and SHOGI
xqmaster is the best partner for Chinesechess player