Dirge of Ceberus -Final Fantasy VII- PlayOnline Website Translations
By: Suzaku
System 01: Multiplayer Mode
By order of President Shin-Ra, through accomplishments in missions as well as team battles, you have received the rank of SOLDIER, and with aims of becoming the strongest, you are sent to the huge underground facility "Deep Ground" to train.
With other players, you can form groups, and are given the chance to enjoy large team vs. team battles. Strategy is an important key when playing the Multiplayer Mode. The best arms and armor will only be awarded to the SOLDIER who proves themself to be the greatest of them all.
System 02: Character Making
This is where you design and create your player avatar. You can select your name, gender, face type, initially equipped armor, voice, and color in order to make a character that suits your tastes.
Gender: Male or Female
Armor: Soldier Armor, Sniper Armor, Speed Armor, Magic Armor
Voice: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4
Color: Basic, Camouflage, Variety
System 03: Lobby
When the game is started in multiplayer mode, the first place the player will visit is the Lobby. It's possible to move freely in the Lobby, which acts as a place for meeting and communicating with other players. You can also access functions like Battle Entry and the Shop, or check your Ranking.
System 04: Briefing Room
Before entering battle, it's imperative that you visit the Briefing Room.
Item Distribution: When you enter the Briefing Room, you will obtain various consumable items based on your current class. You can use the items distributed here on the Battlefield.
Custom Confirmation: Rules can be set, such as weapon restriction, which makes it impossible to customize or subsitute weapons on the Battlefield when turned on. In such cases, you are required to make a final confirmation in the Briefing Room.
Team Division: In the case of Team Battle, you will move to the Transfer Area after preparations are completed. In the Transfer Area, teams are divided by color, defining who will be your opponent on the Battlefield.
System 05: Battlefield
The Battlefield will be varied (e.g. jungle) where the wilderness will provide obstacles as well as restrict sight. By studying the map, you can gain advantages in battle. Here, battle will be carried out in various modes.
Battle Mode: Mode in which you fight as an individual. The first player to meet the set victory conditions is the winner.
Team Battle Mode: Mode in which you are divided into two groups and enter a team competition. The first team to meet the set victory conditions is the winner.
Mission Mode: Mode in which you carry out assigned missions.
You or your team will be victorious when the requirements for your mission are met, such as beating your opponents to a point or obtaining a key item. You will carry out many battles, and aim to be the strongest SOLDIER.