Anyone of you ever played this 3rd person RPG called Fallout before?
Its a post-nuclear holocaust RPG game where you get to choose a character that you can modify into whatever you want him to be..
Its set in a world after a nuclear holocaust has devastated the Earth. You begin as a survivor in an underground vault which requires you to go to the surface to retrieve a chip that is needed by your vault for water treatment...
On the surface, you get to meet shattered towns, mutants, ghouls and even an advanced military organistation set to correct the mistakes of the wasteland!!

Learn to use a wide assortment of weapons: From a 9 mm handgun to a multi-fire minigun, from a primitive spear to hand gloves powered with energy cells!

The story is fantastic as well, not to mention the realism and above all the humour..

Anyway has anyone played this before?