Often the most profound and intuitive revelations are overlooked. They hide in plain site waiting to be found like pearls washed up on a beach. So it is with the meaning of life. Many who search often miss it simply because they look in the wrong places.

The meaning of life is not found in nouns that describes places or things. It is not found in adjectives that describe experiences. Rather it is found in verbs of action. As the master of your own destiny you have free will. Even if your belief system is religion-based, free will is still an integral part of that belief - the basis of good and evil deeds. Therefore, no matter what your belief system, it's what you do with you life that determines its ultimate meaning.
There are many roads that can be taken in determining your life's course and its meaning. We have found four elements that act as our life's compass and guide us in whatever we do. We hope they have as profound an impact in guiding your life as they have had on ours.
On the road of life, it is best to travel with someone special (be they friend, lover or spouse) to really take full advantage of these four elements. Now that we have shared with you the principles of the true meaning of life, here is a way to find that someone special if you are not already with them