Men who:
Are challenges, not feet-kissing doormats
Don't make excuses for who they are -- they exude sexuality and they're comfortable with their natural masculinity
Assume that they're "the catch," not the woman
Are unpredictable, untamed and can't be tied down
Aren't afraid of being who they are
Have no interest in being PC, morphing their true selves to gain female approval, or being overly nice
Don't have to trade money or gifts for sex (a.k.a. "dating")
Always control the relationship
Never tolerate any female BS
Radiate charged-up body language
Flirt easily and well
Are natural leaders, not followers
Unabashedly look at women's bodies
Don't care if they score with a particular woman, because they know that there are many others waiting in line.
Are constantly unavailable
Never apologize for who they are
Act like men around women, not wusses.