Being part of the moderator team, I have to post some bits of stuff relating to the game of dating, which I affectionately call it - game of seduction.
To have a little clearer picture, we shall began lesson one with: What the hell is seduction?
'People are constantly trying to influence us, to tell us what to do and just as often we tune them out, resisting their attempts at persuasion. There is a moment in our lives, however, when we all act differently - when we are in love. We fall under a kind of spell. Our minds are usually preoccupied with our own concern; now they become filled with thoughts of the loved one. We grow emotional, lose the ability to think straight, act in foolish ways that we would never do otherwise. If this goes long enough, something inside us gives way: we surrender to the will of the loved one and to our desire to possess them.' - AOS.
In Art of Seduction, there are two effects: Defensive/offensive Seduction. Defensive Seduction is the ability to recognise and see through seductive theories and laws, raise defense against blind following of what your heart is made to see from the seducer's way of view. Defensive Seduction can only be used to predict and anticipate. (Everyone has different level of shield)
Obviously an offensive stance is to make use and get what you want.
Under Law of Seduction -
a fully satisfied woman cannot be seduced. There is no difference between most chase, power of seduction can affects anyone. Dating is a 'legal' game by status and right - seduction preys on suitable target.
Do you know we are expose to the effect of seduction everyday?
Remember when was the last time you did survey for someone because she asked you, even though you rejected others many times before?
Remember that time when you wanted something at lower cost and you managed to bargain your way through successfully even though the aunty beside you had failed her attempt?
Welcome to the world of Seduction