Foreword This thread is meant to allow men to understand how woman will GENERALLY rate a guy during a date or on the street, FIRST IMPRESSION(Keyword)
Please note that the women that i'm talking about and presenting is of General LOT of them. I expect some special ladies here to protest about the pie chart(diagram below).
Argue that it(pie chart) isn't only what women were looking at (Which i agree that there are definitely the special few) However i wish to tell those 'special ladies' out there that there are more fraction of ladies adopting these rating system then there are of 'unique ladies'. It's biological, inbuilt within women.
We wish to make this forum as teachable as possible.
So please refrain from posting comments which might possibly drift from Topic.
I would request for those women or men who wish to disagree to this thread to post in a strong suggestion telling us guys,
what else would a women be looking for in a date, on the street, clubs, anywhere.
Let this thread have quality discussion.
One liners need not apply.
Lastly, topic is not steered towards Courtship or LOVEThe biological principles that made women attracted to men.
A chart will illustrate a very close approximation of the inner structure of attraction for the female.
50% Physical Attraction/Looks - Still stands a huge part in Attraction. Self Explanatory.
20% Competition/Disinterest - We can only pursue what runs away from us. A man who is devoted to something else besides the woman is automatically more attractive. (This is very true isn't it?)
There are still more to it.
But i'll reveal some of the trades till here. Hope the guys get it.
20% Novelty - Who wants someone who is just like everyone else? Something different is more attractive.
10% Other - We'll leave these for the individual taste of each women.
Things Women Say They Care About But Don't - Benefit of doubt for women....they said what they want, yeah easily discard those, kinda self explantory though.
Just take a look at those people sobbing away their broken relationships>>>Yeah....Why the Wrong BAD Guy again.....
Note: Guys if you're not rich/nor powerful nor good lookin, don't have to worry. There are still other ways to have women attracted to you. That'll be in Question and Answer threads or scenario threads.
This is the appetiser for you, to find out what average women are lookin out for.