Women like parn are just one big paradox from god's creation.
Love is not complicated, it's just women like parn that are complicated.
In one thread, this woman was telling us "why can't men confess their feelings like a true man", hoping that men will adopt a submissive stance, then subsequently in this thread the same woman takes a 180 degrees and tells us that she doesn't like submissive men.
Women like parn......are the bane of men and one of life's biggest contradictions.
Really.......what do women like parn want (other than her $30k diamond ring) anyway?
Never never open parn-dora's box, despite the curiosity imbued in it, it leads to many more perverse complications.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
Women like parn are just one big paradox from god's creation.
Love is not complicated, it's just women that are complicated.
In one thread, this woman was telling us "why can't men confess their feelings like a true man", hoping that men will adopt a submissive stance, then subsequently in this thread the same woman takes a 180 degrees and tells us that she doesn't like submissive men.
Women like parn......are the bane of men and one of life's biggest contradictions.
Really.......what do women like parn want (other than her $30k diamond ring) anyway?
Never never open parn-dora's box, despite the curiosity imbued in it, it leads to many more perverse complications.
Wa, I like your pun here
Originally posted by rainee:Wa, I like your pun here
should be 'parn' instead of 'pun"
There is nothing submissive about admitting one's feelings, although ironically enough, conmen like DDA say that it's for wussies and advocate making women guess until they supposedly fall head-over-heels for you instead.
Originally posted by parn:What Women HATE Most About Single Guys
By David DeAngelo
Here are a few of the BIG things that single women hate:
1) Giving Up Your Status In Exchange For Her Attention And Approval
If I had to describe the one single thing that both annoys women and
DESTROYS a guy's chances, it would be this.
It has taken me a long time to see this particular pattern, but it's
Men, in effect, say "Hi, I want your approval and attention. I'm willing to
let YOU be the one who's in control... and let YOU call the shots... and do
anything to please YOU... if you'll give me your attention and approval".
But the problem is that women DON'T WANT you to give up your status and
Women aren't ATTRACTED to men who act weak and tentative.
Women secretly HATE IT when a guy does something to demonstrate that he'll
give away his power in return for approval.
I could literally write an entire book on this one single concept.
Take a few minutes to think this one over, and maybe write down the ways
that you make this mistake with women.
More importantly, think about how you're going to STOP DOING IT IMMEDIATELY.
2) Being Needy, Clingy, And Insecure
When one person "clings" to another person "psychologically", the person who
is being "clinged to" RESENTS and REJECTS the needy, clingy emotional
This is WUSS behavior at its worst.
If a guy is on the phone with a girl he just met, and she says "Hey, I have
to go", he might say "Aw, well... um... OK. Um, will you call me when you
get home?".
Or let's say a guy and a girl are out on their first date, and they're
walking around in a large department store.
Most guys will follow the woman everywhere, and not leave her side for a
If she wanders away, he'll come find her IMMEDIATELY.
He'll stay physically close to her, as if he's afraid she'll leave without
And an even worse example is a guy who is so emotionally insecure that he
actually ASKS a woman to tell him that he's nice, fun, interesting, etc.
"Do you think I'm interesting?"
"Do you think we could ever have a relationship?"
"Am I your type?"
Women HATE this stuff. It makes them shiver with the heebie-jeebies. It
makes them want to RUN AWAY.
3) Not Leading - And Even Worse, Trying To Get Her To Lead
Women have WUSS-DAR.
One of the things that triggers a woman's WUSS-DAR is a man who FOLLOWS.
The REAL problem is that most women won't try to LEAD naturally.
So you've got a situation where a man is trying to FOLLOW a woman who isn't
He's looking for little cues so he knows where to go and what to do... but
he isn't getting them.
So what does he do?
He ASKS for them!
He says "So, I was thinking of maybe taking you to Olive Garden for
dinner...how does that sound?".
Everything about the way he asks says to the woman "I'm trying to figure out
what you want me to do... please help me know how you want me to act, where
you want me to take you, and what you want me to say".
men who don't lead, and even worse, try to get a woman to lead, ANNOY THE
4) Using Insecure, Approval-Seeking, Low-Status Posture, Gestures, Voice
Tone, And Body Language
There's a term that single, attractive, in-demand women use to describe men
who use weak, approval-seeking posture, gestures, comments, and
The term is "NICE".
"He's nice... but... there's no chemistry."
This is one of those areas that's not easy to talk about.
Since SO DAMN MANY GUYS do this stuff, it's almost impossible to explain.
It's like trying to tell a fish that they're not going to get anywhere in
life if they stay wet.
The fish doesn't even KNOW it's wet in the first place.
But let me try.
This is important.
Go spend a day observing couples.
Go places where couples that have just met spend time together.
Bars, clubs, coffee shops, whatever.
Now watch the GUYS.
Watch how they lean towards the women.
Watch how they raise their eyebrows in
exaggerated response to women's comments.
Watch how they slump over, let their shoulders fall forward, and smile
fake-ly at whatever the women say.
If you're close enough, listen to how men ask questions and make comments
with a voice tone that says "I'm insecure and I'm trying to be extra nice to
compensate for it".
You'll see it EVERYWHERE.
In fact, you'll see it so much that you'll probably write me back to tell me
that I'm the one who's crazy, and that since it happens so much, it must be
"the right way".
Well, it's not.
If there's one thing that triggers an attractive single woman's WUSS-DAR,
it's a man's posture, gestures, eye contact, voice tone, etc.
It all happens in an INSTANT.
Women read this stuff and interpret it as instantly and accurately as you
read and interpret the cover of Playboy.
I'd say that probably 90% of all men alive today INSTANTLY disqualify
themselves with women because of this problem.
Their voice tone, gestures, posture, etc. TELEGRAPH the message that they're
They do a thousand weird little things to let a woman know that they're
uncomfortable and "not being themselves".
And you guessed it...
Single women HATE IT!
5) Not Understanding That She's A Woman And You're A Man
I'm about to get philosophical on your ass, so be cool.
When it comes down to it, most men don't understand women.
But the REAL kicker is that most men don't understand MEN, either!
Most guys don't know what it's like to get in touch with their MALE NATURE.
Combine these two issues, and you get a guy who behaves in ways that DO NOT
trigger ATTRACTION in women.
Women have a "nature". A female nature.
Men also have a "nature". You guessed it, it's a MALE nature.
Women are coy. They like to play hard to get. They like to enjoy the chase.
They love anticipation. They love to "let a guy catch them"...
Men are competitive. Men are dominant. Men like to play rough games, win
things, and rule their territory.
Well guess what?
Most men don't BEHAVE like men when they're in the presence of a woman that
they "like".
And since most men don't understand female human nature, they don't
demonstrate that they "get it" when they're with women that they "like".
Women like men. Men like women. There are POWERFUL causes at play here.
When you're around a woman you like, don't act like a GIRLY-MAN. It's not
sexy, and it's not attractive...
And single women HATE IT!
6) Not Being Interesting To Be Around
Underneath most behavior that I see most guys acting out is a "core belief"
that goes like this:
"I don't believe that an attractive woman would want to be around me just
because she enjoys my presence... so I make up for it by saying and doing
certain things that I hope she'll enjoy... and if she enjoys those other
things enough, then maybe she'll want to spend more time with me."
Heavy, man.
Well guess what? Most attractive single women KNOW that if a guy isn't
interesting to be around, they she's eventually going to go CRAZY being
around him.
In other words, no amount of material gifts, compliments, dinners, and other
"displays" will EVER compensate for a lack of BEING INTERESTING.
Here's a profound thought:
I and several other guys I know have many women who call us often... just
because they enjoy being around us.
These women would be happy just to be in the same room with us... and enjoy
our company.
And yes, these women CALL US.
Material gifts, food, flowers, and other "displays" have ZERO lasting value
to a woman when it comes to how she FEELS about you...
An attractive single woman wants a guy who LIGHTS HER UP. She wants to FEEL
She wants mystery... she wants to laugh... she wants a challenge... she
wants sexual tension...
If you're using compliments, gifts, food, and other "displays" to get a
woman's attention... you need to ask yourself a tough question:
Is it because you don't believe that a woman would want to be around you
just to be around you?
Because if you don't know how to be INTERESTING to a woman, then no amount
of compensation is going to fix the problem.
If you're boring, predictable, and uninteresting, then you're never going to
have women calling YOU to hang out.
Oh, and women HATE IT.
7) Not Understanding Attraction
This is a BIGGIE.
You hear me talking about it all the time, right?
Maybe now that you've read this newsletter you'll have a better context to
understand what I'm about to tell you...
If you "get it" with women, it's SUPER INTERESTING and ATTRACTIVE to them.
Women can INSTANTLY FEEL IT when they're with a guy who "gets it".
Women know very quickly if they're talking to a guy who understands himself
and women... and who enjoys creating and building sexual tension.
Women know if a guy speaks the SECRET LANGUAGE of "Sexual Communication".
If he doesn't, then she stops all communication on that level.
If he does, then it continues.
ATTRACTION Isn't A Choice.
Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE... and you can't "convince"
a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.
Attraction is the result of a woman meeting a man who understands how
attraction works... and who knows what to do in each specific situation to
progress to the next level.
The PROBLEM with ATTRACTION, and with success with women in general is that
the things you need to DO to be successful are NOT OBVIOUS.
They're "counter intuitive", in many cases.
In other words, they're the OPPOSITE of what you'd THINK would make sense.
You have to do things like CREATE TENSION... stop doing something that she
likes...give her time to miss you... etc.
And if you don't understand ATTRACTION, a woman is going to KNOW IT.
And guess what?
Single women HATE IT when a man doesn't understand ATTRACTION and how to
communicate on this "other level".
Now that I've shared the mistakes, you need the next piece of the puzzle.
You need to get an education on how attraction works for women... and the
RIGHT things to do up front to give her those emotional/physical feelings
Right now you're probably feeling that excited "Ah Ha!" feeling.
That's because you understand something at a different level... you've used
your mind to understand something complex... and you feel good about
bettering yourself.
Well this is just the TIP of the iceberg.
As educational as this has been, this is only the beginning.
Interesting. Does this apply to all women all just you?
Originally posted by maurizio13:
Women like parn are just one big paradox from god's creation.
Love is not complicated, it's just women like parn that are complicated.
In one thread, this woman was telling us "why can't men confess their feelings like a true man", hoping that men will adopt a submissive stance, then subsequently in this thread the same woman takes a 180 degrees and tells us that she doesn't like submissive men.
Women like parn......are the bane of men and one of life's biggest contradictions.
Really.......what do women like parn want (other than her $30k diamond ring) anyway?
Never never open parn-dora's box, despite the curiosity imbued in it, it leads to many more perverse complications.
Confession of one's feelings or whatever is an act of submission.
When you confess your sins to god, aren't you submitting yourself to higher authority.
When you confess your crimes in court, you do so under the authority exercised by the courts.
When you confess your love of a girl to your buddies, you are submitting yourself to your buddies, hoping that they will help you find a solution to your love problem where you have failed.
When you confess your love to a girl, you are submitting yourself to higher authority, you are asking her to help fulfill your love.
///Foucault's work on the genre of confession is suggestive here. The act of confiding, Focault writes, is not only therapeutic. It is always, in part, an act of submission to authority, of compliance with the injunction "to tell" which can be demanded of the (relatively) disempowered on the part of the (relatively) empowered. Confession is "a ritual that unfolds within a power relationship....One does not confess without the presence (or virtual presence) of a partner who is not simply the interlocutor but the authority who requires the confession, prescribes and appreciates it, and intervenes in order to judge, punish, forgive, console, and reconcile. Telling one's story performs the power of its listener. It is "an obligatory act of speech" that occurs under "imperious compulsion":
.......................Foucault suggests that it is the recipient of a confession and not its author whom storytelling empowers: "the agency of domination [within the relations of confession] does not reside in the one who speaks (for it is he [sic] who is constrained), but in the one who listens and says nothing; not in the one who knows and answers, but in the one who questions and is not supposed to know." The ideal of a self-affirming dialogue (of an affirmed "self" at all!), on this account, could never be other than a utopian reaching after discursive conditions that cannot exist. Such a utopian erotics would operate, in fact, as the inducement that goads us, tricks us even, into giving up our stories and empowering their listeners.///
The role of authority and the power to "judge, punish, forgive, etc" does not apply completely here. Let's look at it in another way: is it not braver to swallow your pride and say the truth that you hold, and disciplined to say it at the right time, than to hide it, play games or lie?
Whatever it is, she's the sort who like to believe that they're above everyone else they've met and that whatever they say, goes.
Originally posted by maurizio13:Confession of one's feelings or whatever is an act of submission.
When you confess your sins to god, aren't you submitting yourself to higher authority.
When you confess your crimes in court, you do so under the authority exercised by the courts.
When you confess your love of a girl to your buddies, you are submitting yourself to your buddies, hoping that they will help you find a solution to your love problem where you have failed.
When you confess your love to a girl, you are submitting yourself to higher authority, you are asking her to help fulfill your love.
///Foucault's work on the genre of confession is suggestive here. The act of confiding, Focault writes, is not only therapeutic. It is always, in part, an act of submission to authority, of compliance with the injunction "to tell" which can be demanded of the (relatively) disempowered on the part of the (relatively) empowered. Confession is "a ritual that unfolds within a power relationship....One does not confess without the presence (or virtual presence) of a partner who is not simply the interlocutor but the authority who requires the confession, prescribes and appreciates it, and intervenes in order to judge, punish, forgive, console, and reconcile. Telling one's story performs the power of its listener. It is "an obligatory act of speech" that occurs under "imperious compulsion":
.......................Foucault suggests that it is the recipient of a confession and not its author whom storytelling empowers: "the agency of domination [within the relations of confession] does not reside in the one who speaks (for it is he [sic] who is constrained), but in the one who listens and says nothing; not in the one who knows and answers, but in the one who questions and is not supposed to know." The ideal of a self-affirming dialogue (of an affirmed "self" at all!), on this account, could never be other than a utopian reaching after discursive conditions that cannot exist. Such a utopian erotics would operate, in fact, as the inducement that goads us, tricks us even, into giving up our stories and empowering their listeners.///
wah. you read foucault? i am impressed..
Don't forget the 30k ring ;P
Thats her 1st criteria
Minimum is 30k.
Originally posted by youyayu:yea.. see parn this 4 letter words is like seeing the shit
She worse than shit.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
Women like parn are just one big paradox from god's creation.
Love is not complicated, it's just women like parn that are complicated.
In one thread, this woman was telling us "why can't men confess their feelings like a true man", hoping that men will adopt a submissive stance, then subsequently in this thread the same woman takes a 180 degrees and tells us that she doesn't like submissive men.
Women like parn......are the bane of men and one of life's biggest contradictions.
Really.......what do women like parn want (other than her $30k diamond ring) anyway?
Never never open parn-dora's box, despite the curiosity imbued in it, it leads to many more perverse complications.
Someone has the "symptoms" of a lao chu nu. Typical b behaves this way.
for relations among ppl, many factors determine power. yet rationalisation works at it. power is not a substance but only a certain type of relation between individuals. whether it is power exerted by men over women or vice versa, by one class of another or by a bureaucracy over a population involves a certain type of rationalty and doesnt involve instrumental violence.
i think this 30k bullshyt has become a 'legend' and it will be passed on from generations to generations in SGT
my goodness so sorry. i meant SGF
Originally posted by Chris1988:i think this 30k bullshyt has become a 'legend' and it will be passed on from generations to generations in SGT
It's Minimum 30k and nope, it's not bullshit.
Bunch of superficial creatures.
Damn. It is damn difficult to find exceptional ones.
that's y u're still single u little cunt.
so i suppose if ur man slap you and fuck you like a whore you you would be very happy for his manliness?
Originally posted by newcomer:that's y u're still single u little cunt.
so i suppose if ur man slap you and fuck you like a whore you you would be very happy for his manliness?
Why don't you ask your mum?
Maybe that's the reason why you were born?
And what makes you think you girls will actually adore you for ever saying something like this?
Truly you have surrendered to your own hatred and choose to be an uglier person.
That's your path of carnage that you should be embarking on.
Ppl like Parn re-assures me that yes, many out there are out for my money. ANd generally makes rich dude's lives easier .And like i said long time ago, with all that money i wont even know if she truly loves me.I can never tell until she leaves my material things behind. I rather be a sugar daddy knowing they are using my money then trying to prove 30K engagement ring when i can give her a 500K house. lol
Maybe i should write a book about it.
Should be easy to date Parn. First date i throw everything out for her to see.Impressing n spending money is the easy part, nornally the dumping part is hard. Cause once they get hooked to a big fish , they wont wanna let go withouth doing some damage or until finding another big fish through u. Big fishes hang around big fishes. Thats how they survive, like club hopping.
Once i get into her panties , i just stop drop n roll. Play before getting played. N pass on the word.
Sophisticated ? No
Predictable ? Yes
Ya...somebody very rich here, but can only afford to buy 500k house.
By the way hor, house cost more than 500k. And you can keep your 500k to buy yourself a HDB flat, barely enough for you to buy one in a prime area....you might still get some change back.
The problem is, it's easy to brag......still lose to an indian man who says he owns 3000 cows back in mumbai, india.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Ppl like Parn re-assures me that yes, many out there are out for my money. ANd generally makes rich dude's lives easier .And like i said long time ago, with all that money i wont even know if she truly loves me.I can never tell until she leaves my material things behind. I rather be a sugar daddy knowing they are using my money then trying to prove 30K engagement ring when i can give her a 500K house. lol
Maybe i should write a book about it.
Should be easy to date Parn. First date i throw everything out for her to see.Impressing n spending money is the easy part, nornally the dumping part is hard. Cause once they get hooked to a big fish , they wont wanna let go withouth doing some damage or until finding another big fish through u. Big fishes hang around big fishes. Thats how they survive, like club hopping.
Once i get into her panties , i just stop drop n roll. Play before getting played. N pass on the word.
Sophisticated ? No
Predictable ? Yes
Next time remember to brag about your 1000th gf whom you also happened to make her pregnant and coaxed her into an abortion willingly done for the sake of you. And also tell us how you want to love her but she thinks she's not good enough for you.
Also don't forget to brag about how you potong jalan other people's gf before you also convince them to have an abortion for you before you dump them and return them to their cannot-make-it and poorer bf.
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Ask me, and I can consider teaching you.