Material adapted from unrevealed source.
Edited & re-commissioned into a five-part series for local consumption by yours truly
Version 0.000000000000000001a______________________________________________________________
What Goes On in a Woman's HeadDated 20th Feb 2k6I remember just couple of days ago. I'm in front of the tele praying that Man Utd go for an equalizer. She's in front of the TV looking at me. Has something along the lines of "DUDE! WTF? M-O-V-E away from the pitch!!! OMFG!!!@@@~~~111ELEVENTYONE~~~ " ever crossed your mind? No? How about these:
60mins. (No, not that old programme) In. Front. of. the. fricking. mirror.
No roses for vday = miser = you don't love me anymore.
Have I gained weight recently? (-100 points no matter your answer.)
That girl very chio hor? (-200)
Welcome to my world.
K, i'm not here to discuss how to get an edge over her in this interstellar battle of wills, nor am I here to teach how to write a fricking cease fire treaty. No, I'm here as a forensic scientist, to dissect the corpses of sour quarrels in the past so that you might gain an insight into mind of the female homosapien.. and hopefully by writing this God will let Man Utd win next time.
Alrighty, first off I'd like to make a declaration. It is IMPOSSIBLE to decipher the female human mind. Okay gg. My job is done. To the next thread...
...Or not. No, it
is really impossible. We can't do it, not with logical analysis. Nope, we can't cos the female mind's structured differently. I know at this point you guys would go "yea i know the drill, i saw that on AA on or on TV some months ago". Sure you've heard of how the MRI scans reveal how the female brain's left & right cortexes have more links than the male's hence the emotions are... bla bla bla. Yep I know the theory too. (if you don't you probably still havent achieved the required level to read this article yet. Go to the fields and kill some lvl 2 goblins, gain some exp and come back again)
The fact is that, yes, their minds are wired for
more emotional processing than us. I'm not gonna go into genetic history or anything. I'm not even gonna explain in laymen's terms why. I'm just gonna tell you what's in their head and give you some tips about how to deal with it.
Some homework first:
Women follow emotions. Period.You do NOT think that their minds work analytically like ours do. It's a completely different process. They do not go "Okay, he's dressed decently, he's driving a red porsche and he looks like he's a nice guy. Right, I've DECIDED I'm gonna be attracted to him."
It's not like that. She acts
fully on emotions not thought. Your girlfriend isn't attracted to you cos she's runned a basic financial & charm diagnostic on you.
(If she did, let me know. I'd call some white coats and we'd run a few gential tests ) She just is. Attracted. Her actions and words stem from emotions, as we've undoubtedly seen on blogs and friendster: "ADRIAN IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE
" or the typical "I really shouldn't be blogging right now, I should be studying..."
Why not try "i rEallY lyK tHaT w0rXxXxXxXxX!! "
Heh, think i've (over)soundly made my point across.
Right then, I'd tell you a secret: Emotions stem from actions and words too. Catch that? She doesn't act on hard facts or circumstantial evidence. We do. It doesn't make any sense but it's like that. I know I might be over-generalizing here but I'm using the typical singaporean lady for my argumental model. You can't refute scientific or statistical claims on this one.
So how does this information correlate or reconcile with the statement "Emotions stem from actions and words"? Simple, picture this:
create emotions. By words & actions. She acts
For players they know this drill that some things they do will make girls naturally feel like being kissed an felt up then even being fu.cked. She'll never see it coming LOGICALLY. But when teh 1337 Master Jedis did it, the girls
loved it and was
comfortable enough not to stop them.
Care to know more?
PS: I end up having to rewrite the article. I'm still in the midst of reading myself. This author must've failed english in school and can't type properly. Dangit. Though it's quite a bit of effort into this article I'm quite convinced that there may some real gems buried deeper in his argument. Please give some feedback to justify my effort into this one