Ask a girl who already likes you out! That gives you effectively 80% chance to suceed!
Na jk, there's no such thing lar. Technique and diplomacy is only second to timing. Not even if a real player can teach you how to charm a girl to surrender her bra to you can you get a girl to go out with you if you fuck up the timing.
What's the correct "timing" then? It's intangible, you can't define it as a period of time or with certain "symtomns". The only way to know if it's the right time is to go with the "feel" of things. Trust your manly gut instinct more and really "FEEL" if it's the right time inside you. This won't be 100% accurate initially but as you continue to try asking people out, continue to make new friends etc you hone this instinct and you begin to develop an "awareness" for the situation between two people and the "atmosphere". "Nuff said. You should know what i mean. People science is 50% art & 50% technichal. You're talking about the art part, go use your heart & gut. It doesnt matter how as long as you dont interject with vulgarities or the like. No lame jokes to cover up your nevourness and no dumb statements like commenting about homework or the weather. Look someone straight in the eye, smile & be sincere.
If girls even percieve 0.001% wussyness in you when you're asking her out you'd be sure that your chances are way down, unless she already has a colossal crush on you. So please, don't worry bout technique. Worry about not fucking up the timing and not betraying signs of nervousness & desperation. "Women can spell desperation miles away".
Logic is for the world. Impulze & his buddies go with pure gut instincts. And their sexiness
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