Lessons From "The 40 Year Old Virgin"
Don't give up on meeting and dating women just because you don't know what to say or do.
Recently I went to go see the movie "The 40 Year Old Virgin," and it is without a doubt one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
The film focuses on a lovable guy who has pretty much given up on women, choosing to play with his toys and video games instead.
When his friends find out that he's still a virgin at the age of 40, they start giving him advice on how to get a woman.
Even though the movie is a comedy, and some of the characters and situations are rather outlandish, there's still some great messages at the heart of the movie.
The first of which is -- IT'S NEVER TOO LATE.
No matter what has happened to you in the past, or what is going on in your life currently, it's not too late for you to start meeting and dating women.
Seriously, some guys take themselves out of the game, or just simply give up when the going gets a bit tough.
Either because of the pain of rejection or fear of women, they choose to take the less painful road and keep to themselves, letting one opportunity after another with women pass them by.
But living a life devoid of love or intimacy is NOT a good thing!
People aren't meant to be hermits, we're social creatures and we have to interact with others.
Unless you're a monk devoted to a life of celibacy, you're going to want to have a good woman in your life.
That brings us to our second lesson -- LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE!
In "The 40 Year Old Virgin," opportunities with women did not start happening with the main character until he stopped doing what was comfortable for him and left his "comfort zone."
Usually, he'd spend his nights watching TV, either alone or with his elderly neighbors. But when he started going out to places like bars, speed dating events, bookstores, and other places he didn't normally go to, he began to learn some things about women.
The whole idea of moving out of your comfort zone isn't to make you feel UNCOMFORTABLE, it's about helping you to LEARN. And it's because you're learning that you feel uncomfortable, due to the fact that you're starting to do something new that's never been part of your reality before.
Too often, we get used to doing certain things, living a certain way, and acting a certain way.
It becomes routine.
We become used to it, even if it's not healthy!
And when we try to venture outside of it, we scurry back to our comfort zone because we don't like doing things that are new and scary!
But how else are you going to learn what works for you if you don't venture into the unknown?
How else are you going to learn about women if you don't make the effort to interact with them?
You must be willing to stop doing what's comfortable and take some risk.
You may fail a few times, but when you do succeed, it'll be that much more satisfying. And before you know it, what used to be scary and uncomfortable is now easy!
The third lesson from "The 40 Year Old Virgin" is -- MEET WOMEN.
Some of the funniest scenes in this new movie is when the main character goes out with his friends to actually meet women.
If you don't know how to meet women, you'll never get one of them!
Too often, guys will let one opportunity with women after another pass them by because they don't know what to say or do to meet them.
Understand that women are THERE for you to meet!
They WANT you to meet them -- in fact, they EXPECT you to meet them!
And if you don't, then they think you're just not interested in them.
Seriously, all the guys out there who know how to get lots of dates are the guys who walk up to women and start talking to them, display their personality and confidence, and then get the date.
If you don't act like one of those guys, if you don't approach women, then it's the woman's belief that you just aren't that into them.
It can be a hard thing meeting women, and it can lead to embarrassing moments (as you'll see in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" movie), but ultimately THIS is what will get you success!