Attraction: The fatality of the nice guys, aka the final-level-three-super-combo-sure-kill-attack of the flirts.
Nice guys don't understand that attraction is what sparks those dry sticks into a flaring bonfire, or rather, are unable to fully appreciate the concept. Generally speaking, they play it down by thinking (or hoping) "she might appreciate me for what I've done for her" "by being there for her" etc, or procastinating telling himself first and foremost to respect the woman's time to recuperate from her wounds from the current break-up while over the phone.
I'm sure you guys have read the "Twelve women you should date".
My own girlfriend, is a hybrid of Ms Sweet, Ms Equality, Ms Loyal, Ms No-Pressure, Ms Personality, Ms Low-Maintainence, Ms-Right for You". Yep, I have peeps staring at her whenever I go, and I thank God that I'm able to get her even though I'm a hopeless basket with no previous experience other than a handful of rejections.
Yes, she is my first girlfriend after all this time. And do you think I'm the stereotypical nice guy? Yep, I listened to phone chats all the time, liked girls who made friends with me cos I was there for them bla bla bla. F it. We all know the feeling. I tried hard to jio girls, honestly, trying to play it cool and all.
But do you know something? The respite I gave my current GF from her last breakup: 1 week. I listened in, and I made my moves, lousy as hell the were - but they worked out. Yep 1 week! She haven't even informed everyone not to mention her ex by then.
Did I say my moves were lousy? No way! They were SUPER lousy. But I discovered one thing, it doesn't matter how I jio'd her over the period of two weeks. It mattered she was interested in me, I had already grasp her initial interest, and as long as I didn't screw up by doing something as stupid and disrespectful as starting to touch her all over the place it mattered little. Perhaps you can say she's not demanding and she won't auction her status as GF to the guy with the highest dating prowess... but then again how many girls would? It didn't matter, she chose me, over guys who have been chasing her for YEARS, and still are as I'm writing this little article.
I'm not going to explain the HOW to attractions, F la
there are enough guides here already, you guys can figure it out and gain experience then lvl up. But remember this, nice guys out there, don't be disheartened! You have to spark off interest to sustain it and to pop the relationship question! Once you know how to spark interest our advantage over those unstable playboys kick in! Our innate ability to hold a long-term relationship! We all know: Women would choose a guy able to impress but is a hopeless player over a nice guy. But who wouldn't choose a nice guy who had the moves and a charm that can snipe women from over 20m away? Do not underestimate the power of attractions, my fellow nice-guys-brethren. Thou gas stove shall ne'er light if one does not provide a spark. A powerful spark at that.
My point? Make the stage of attraction as big a thing as the sky. Your willingness to love the girl through and through can come later, first get her interested enough to inspect your goods! Thick-skinnedness is an okay substitute for skill, but not perfect. Over time hone your abilities to attract. Remember, there may be only one 'flower' in each 'grass patch' for us. But there are many such 'grass patches' with 'flowers' in it! Enough for all of us to sharpen our instincts at stealing a woman's heart and finally finding our Missus out there to finally revel in her embrace and love forever.