Every relationship and love interest is unique.
It's better that your details/story be placed in here and we'll assess your situation.
In your terms, strike seemed like it's from a match game.
If you read dating forum and understood the basics.
You will understand that there are bound to be some love interest that will not respond to your advances. Some reasons due to them:-
Being satisfied a single.
Knowing what they want hence selecting the right partner.
Recovering from traumatic past.
Having inferiority complex.
Advance at wrong time. (Karma?)
Condition of personal envoirnment.
so on....
there are many reasons why your love interest will reject you. And they're reason(s) may not be the actual reason to rejection.
Your advance could be wrongly executed
Character difference
Different topic of interest
Different values
You may strike once or many times. It doesn't really matter.
What matters is HOW you strike. And take careful notice on her respond to you.