a few more months more and we will be hitting our two years anniversaries.
time really flies.
this joint was better known as
the sians and still is to some people.
the name
outing owls was decided so to position itself as a more generic community than an isolated domain. it is also an attempt to emphasize that this is the right place where the outing lovers can gather.
this joint has always been encouraging and advocating people from this forum to be more spontaneous to group activities. i guess that is how people get to know one another better, with real life interaction.
i can't think of better examples than the annual bbq and the frequent sentosa trips that have widen the social circles of many. of course, such major events have also spawned into numerous other outings like movies, badminton and etc.
i cannot deny the fact that the monthly agenda in the past is to boost rating, so to gain a sense of superiority over others.
however, it is no longer the focus. i mean even if we do, it is for the sake of staying prominent so that we can bridge new joinees in easier.
having said all these,
moderators and organisers in the past and present have been evidently making the right noises, both loud and clear.
with that, i applaud u.