On the behalf of the organisers...who i beleaf are not home yet...here is the thk u thread for all who turned up at today's "MOON" watching & ants "BURNING" plus Beno's last min bday celebration.

If I missed out ur name, it is most prob cos i dunno u so pls forgive me and let me know:
Moon Festival Participants:
1. elawee aka crysstall
2. stevanes
3. dotsg
4. churra
5. www
6. Estee
7. cwill
8. jOhO
9. educated_ah_lian
10. Qoo
11. s|nNeD
12. RB
13. Beno
14. Stefanism
15. Tony
16. Sg1
17. fett
18. lyn
the night started off perfectly with fireworks from chinatown's celebration.
no ants for us to burn tis year but tat didnt bother us as we started a bonfire with paper cups, leaves, wet tissues, lecture NOTES (thkz to da ge), lanterns, candles, empty boxes.....
not much moon to watch too as it was hiding behind the clouds and trees (told u guys to chop the tree down liao mah) but it did make a special appearance for us at ard 10++

plenty of food left over all thkz to our generous contributors. there was chips, chupa chups, mooncakes, ba kuas, pomelos, green tea, beer, dao huay (all the way from selegie thkz to Beno

n of cos, our bday celebration for Beno where he tried UNSUCCESSFULLY for a grand total of 3 TIMES to blow out the 48 candles that we have so painstakingly lighted up for him to make up for the lack of a bday cake.

overall it was a wonderful outing...so lets all eagerly await for part 3!