I really don't mean to be rude FOS, but I have trouble understanding you, I don't know if it's becos of your typos, or langauge, anyway, no worries, I think i get your point.
First of all. the ONUS is on the attendee to contact the photographer once the photos are ready. The photographer (usually myself and bear) will announce in the relevant threads that they are ready, and please PM one of us for them. Even myself, I had to pm bear to get HIS photos, and vice versa. Also, we allow distribution of photos via attendee to attendee, so many pple can get the photos without actually even contacting me.
As for your naked pics, I'm not sure where or who you got the information from that there were none. There were pics of you, because you attended. Not many, but there were. No idea why you were sitting one corner, but nevertheless you were part of the outing, and usually, no one that attended escapes my lens, and it's not becos i have a fetish for shooting everyone. It's just want photographers do.
that outing consist of Sentosa , Steamboat and bolwing. they all get all the pics though they nv attend all. Only me and stoner.
This is precisely the problem here? How am I to explain this satisfactorily to you when I myself and trying to get to the bottom of it?
If you all can explain this and give me and stoner a good answer, I MIGHT consider telling you where the problem is.
Whether or not this post serves as an explanation to you or not, I am not hard up for your information. I will listen to all experiences regarding this case, only if the person is genuine to the REAL cause of this "investigation" (if i may use that word). the real course, you of course would know since u've read the whole thread, is the PRIVACY of our attendees, YOU INCLUDED. so any info you pass on to me, i will assume it's becos of that reason, not becos i do something to please you (by explaining), and u return the favour.
before anyone jumps saying i'm hostile, please refrain. i mean this is the nicest way, and have nothing against F.O.S. I am just being frank and to the point, and honestly, i'm suck of pple misunderstanding me. You want, i can throw in smileys here and there, but that's not the point. we are all mature adults, and this is nothing personal.
i would like to remind all, this isn't my personal vendetta against anyone. i have repeated many times, it's not MY LOSS if photos are distributed all over the shop becos these photos are technically my bread and butter. however it's our attendees' privacy and my reputation at stake.
I reread your first post and want to bring to attention about getting consent to take your photos. Altho you stated that you do not mind, I would like to make it clear once and for all, (again NOTHING personal to anyone) that is GIVEN that if an outing is attended, your photos WILL be taken. I mean it's not like "no photos, no outing" but if u attended a birthday party, would there be a camera there? if you went to hawaii for holiday, would u bring a camera? when a group of friends gather and have immaculate fun, wat's wrong with a camera? u know, i sound really long-winded saying all this, but i feel the need to.
Suggestion :
If the outing is mean for "some" ppl" only , please don't post in forum or state clearly in future.
If unwelcome ppl truns up, please be genltment to distribute all the pics . It would be better than making more stalkers.
unfortunately, FOS, i'm gonna have to reject your suggestion politely. there is no need to do so as our outings NEVER ostracise anyone.
Please, everyone, once again take note. this is not a finger pointing session. Honestly, i could ALREADY know who's been distributing, but i'm not gonna be doing anything about it, as we've decided to put this behind us and let's see wat happens in the future. there WILL still be a cam, the photos WILL still be distributed to attendees upon THEM PMing the respective pple when they are ready. And let's see if this warning helps.
Final note to remember, and i repeat: THIS IS A WARNING, NOT THE MIGISTRATE'S COURT. honestly, i can close this thread after the warning becos that's all i'll do, post and that's it. you think i have so much time to go chase pple? even if i catch the culprit then how? send him a writ of summons?
cmon everyone, this is for everyone's good, i dun intend to point fingers.
FOS: next outing you're at, pls PM me directly for the photos, I'll be most happy to assist you personally.
Having said that, have u signed up for sentosa 2 yet? click the link in my siggy!