Hi all,
on behalf of dotsg, i would like to extend the invitation to
all people in sgforum to go his house on the
3rd day of CNY (sat 24 Jan 2004)
kindly state yr interest in attending the above function in an affirmative manner... rsvp by fri night 23/1/04
We will pm interested parties on the exact address and ppl to contact...time to meet shall be confirm at a later day..
meanwhile, the
proposed itinery (as decided by the host) for the night will be as follows:
meet for dinner at _______
(to be decided by the attendees) proceed to dotsg's house for the following:
dai dee3)
ban luck4)
si ki bi5)
monopoly & risk (for the underage)
6)Si Sek Bai (for those who claim they are old~)
The O.Os would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a
HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR~~~~~~ thanks for the rsvp..so far, on the list we have:
card games:
xian89 (dealer for round1 of ban luck)
fish (PTT)
nelstar (big stake table)