Tel (65) 68353783
Fax (65) 68353783
Address 360 Orchard Road #02-09/10 International Building
Singapore 238869
Email [email protected]Excellent Food AwardsGrilled Chicken
Spicy Prawns
Tahu Telor
Specialties:At the RiceTable the speciality is 'rijsttafel' - Dutch for Ricetable -a tantalising set of Indonesian dishes . The lunch rijsttafel conisists of a soup and 13 items and the dinner rijsttafel features a soup and 19 delicious items which include spicy Beef Rendang , Kangkong Belachan , Ayam Panggang, Chicken Satay and Tahu Telor. The rijsttafel is laid out in a modern Dutch way with the different dishes on a foodwarmer so that you can enjoy each dish without worrying that everything wii get cold! Sample the milder dishes first before you let your tastebuds work their way to the fiery ones. Savour the rich flavours that the RiceTable has to offer.
Ambience:Cosy and spacious with warm glowing yellow lights and red carpet that make it a comfortable place to dine in . Ratten chairs outlined with iron rods give it a clever mix of the East and West . Batik tablecloths and wayang kulit shadow puppets adorn the walls to give the restaurant a truly authentic atmoshere . A great place for people who want to enjoy a delicious feast with framily or friends.
Business Hours:12pm-2.30pm (Lunch)
6pm-9.30pm (Dinner)

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