I often receive queries from people if I can work with the Universe to help them strike lottery. I would normally spend some time explaining to them that there are more ways of abundance that the Universe works with, eg. provide opportunities to better jobs, more clients, or valuable business contacts etc, not just by winning lottery as people are so fond of. Sometimes, the Universe may allow a person to win a very large sum of money, as it is used as a 'test' or life lesson for all the people involved, as in this latest news below:
Keeper of the Destinies of Fate
Living Light Universe
they think u know how quantum mechanics, string theory, chaos theory, Higgs Boson particle and Grand Theory of Everything work
Greed is a very common life lesson that can bring harm not just to self, but loved ones as well. Having sufficient resources to take care of our own needs and our family's needs, as well as having extra to help others would allow a person to live a very smooth and comfortable life, without fearing about what consequences would he/she have to face as a result of 'failing' the life lesson.
Living Light Universe