In case you are wondering what I meant by 3D, 4D or 5D. I will try to explain a bit.
Density and Dimension
D refers to "Density"
or "Dimension". Whenever we are discussing about specific vibration
states, the word is "Density". When we are discussing about a realm of
existence, the word is "Dimension". There are a total of 12 known
density, from 1st density all the way to 12th density.
In 3Density human, you have that which is comprise
of animalistic or the lower human attributes, including the part that
is primarily preoccupied with procreation, sexual instincts, hunter
instincts, survival instincts and So, I believe all of you are
very familiar with what a 3D human is like.
In 4Density human, you have the higher human
attributes, the refined intellect : art, music, conscious awareness,
imagination, creativity and what you call "psychic abilities". A 4D
human is aware of itself as consciouness, as creative force, and it
understands that its consciousness creates its perception of reality.
Because 4D and 3D humans are smiliar, a 4D human will be able to
interact with 3D humans as well as other 3D animals (dogs, cats, cows,
goats etc).
In 5Density human(aka etheric light body), you are
effectively out of the wheel of reincarnation. You are able to maintain
your light body indefinitely as you are no longer subject to the Law of
decay/entropy of the lower dimensions. It is easier to move around as
you no longer need to rely on mechanical vehicles to fly through the air or travel on the surface.
As a 5D being, you will be able to interact with 4D beings. But in most
cases, your communication with 3D beings will be limited due to 3D
beings inability to perceive and comprehend 5D.