Hectic life fills one's heart
with the anger, weariness & breathlessness
It's illusive.....
Deluding us to forget about the [i]'essence' in life[/i]
Like our laughters,
memorable instances of happiness
Laughters are like viruses so do [b]spread them[/b],
Simple indulgence reading our favourite book
& lying on bed listening to music playing
heart-to-heart talks with close friends
Someone who will be all ears to what you have to say
An appreciation of being
................Since we are waking up to every
dawn& returning home by
to the
ONE who welcomes us
homeHave we stopped to notice that
the trees are still
flowers are still
blooming& birds are still
They seemed to have left us orÂ…have we left them?@--- Senses....like seeing or hear are momentarily
only by feeling can be lasting.......Eternity ---@