[b]For a SOCIAL

team, I personally think it's important for every player to adapt to different positions (except keeper) if the need arises. If we have full strength for matches, I will definitely see that everyone gets to play in your most effective role.

However, in situations when we are lacking players in certain departments, I will try to spread out the players accordingly. For example, Ian pushing up to midfield, Lancer/Khairul/Ang/Russ dropping back to midfield etc.
Many of us hopes to score during matches but we can't possibly put everyone as a striker, right??

Like wat Ian said, we are a team. To function effectively as a team, there bound to be times when sacrifices need to be made like not playing in your favourite positions. Nevertheless, we will try to fulfill the wishes of everyone so that we can enjoy the game better when we play.
From the last match, I made certain switches in the midfield and striking positions. I definitely agree that Khairul is more effective as a striker than a midfielder. But if a situation arises such as shortage of midfielders due to injury etc, Khairul will still be one of my first options to pull back for a simple reason that he can adapt to the role well. I feel that Khai has the ability to play well in the midfield area if he wants to.

Differing from some of your opinions, Khai has shown that he can play well as a midfielder when he was playing for my police team at a competitive level against club players/S-league players so wat's more at a social level where the opponents are not as good and competitive. I used to have a NFL centre midfielder in my police team (Khai should know him) who was smaller in size than Khairul but he was fantastic!! Size is a factor in soccer but I feel that it can be compensated with other things like speed, aggression, fitness, determination etc. Nevertheless, I know Khai's desire and I will definitely support him as much in the striking position. Khai, you doing fine as a striker so not much feedback to give you.

Mit, I heard that you were an instructor/PTI in army days. Thus, I gather that you know the importance of warming up and stretching. Some of you may find that I am naggy in this aspect, adult/not adult, I will continue to emphasis the great need to do a proper warm-up. Mit, I seriously feel that you should consider doing a proper warm-up before you even touch the ball. The very first ball that you kick is like a bolt of lighting, so fast and so hard!!! I will not be surprise if you injure yourself before the game starts

. I hope that you take my advice. For the rest of you, pls take note of this too. Warming down after the game also helps in preventing muscles aches/pains.
I'm actually considering conducting a team warm-up before the game. Wat do you guys think?

Baracuda, agreed with wat Russ said, good to know your efforts in improving your game but hope it's not one of the excuses to go 1819 more often.

From the 1st day that Reds FC was set up till now, there have not been any doubts about the committment of every single one of you. I hope to see the continual consistency of commitment and basic discipline in the team. Keep up the good work!!

As the manager, I also hope that all of you would support me by giving me the due respect in managing and keeping the team together. Pls talk to me if you feel uncomfortable about certain issues. My CREDIBILITY as a Manager is important (always remember that). Any disciplinary issues will be taken into hand seriously (I mean it

Now, let's hope that Liverpool loses over the weekend so that we will win our games!!! hehehe.....


, did I just say that?????