First thing first....we got to be clear on a few things. Please take all comments constructively. It is nothing personal, okie?

Decisions are not soley made by the 3 of us. Our decisions are based on discussions and feedbacks from the team. As the team's manager, I am trying to execute the decisions and strategies with the best of my abilities. Thus I continuously try to solicit feedback from all of you during half time and after the game. If you say nothing, I will take it that you are happy or you have nothing to say. Another thing is; even if there are changes to be made. It has got to be done at the right time. This change, that the end, all confused. I try to do it as it comes. If you tell the players 1001 instructions, you will have him walking off rather than enjoying and playing the game.

Please also bear in mind that decisions are not easily made or executed as it seems. Decisions would mean compromising other players' playing position, maybe playing time, the way we go about rotating players, very specific instructions on our style of play etc. If any one thinks it's easy, pls fill my shoes (this is said on a lighter note). Decisions may benefit some but may cause others to feel uncomfortable. I am trying to strike a balance thus I always check to know if all of you are comfortable playing in your postions. Try not to tell me "anything", more difficult for me in certain sense.

For example, I appreciate Lancer's direct approach as he told me that he hopes that he can stick to only the striker's position, I respect that. Boon, I will also look into your suggestion to play u in the centre. In fact, I know you can play in the centre thru' a few matches previously. Yourself, Ang and Bara fitted nicely in the centre for the 4-3-3 formation as well. Khai, I dun think that you are boastful but all I can say is that how you feel or perform during the game does affect the whole morale of the team (I mean it!!). Can you tell me what position you really want to play? You told me that you dun mind trying out the left as you felt that you were not effective in the centre. I did the change. However, you did not seem comfortable during the last game and when approached, you said that it was one of your OFF days?? For old times sake, I need you to be more transparent with me. Bro, tell me in the face if you want to, I juz want to know wat the hell you are thinking so that I can try my best to see to the arrangement, can??

This goes the same for all other players as well.

My 1st priority for the team is try to ensure that every single player plays a fair and enjoyable share of the game which is why we set up the team in the first place....PASSION. We will play to win but if it's becomes too much about winning only, I dun think we will enjoy the game as much. I personally like to play the whole game myself but I will rather sub myself out than take any one of you out. Fun, fun, fun.......

Changes with a certain style of play does not mean that we will see improvement so quickly. Khai and Boon, I personally also like the 4-3-3 formation which I feel suits us but we need time to adapt. For last week's game, I started with 4-4-2 cos I knew that the opponents was good before the game started. I wanted to play safe in the midfield area by playing 4 rather than 3. Eventually, they had about 3 play makers who took on our 4 so easily. In the end, we got to pull back one more to midfield. For this week's coming game, I would like to try the 4-3-3 formation again but bear in mind that the field is much bigger. We might not cope that easily but we will try. I will also have very specfic instructions for the centre mid from now on. I think we lack communication and discipline in the centre.

Ah Boon, I'm glad you are sharing so much online. Your suggestions will be taken into consideration.

Russ,as what I have told you, I fully understand what you are saying about specific instructions but let's put it this way, let's get our fundamentals right like marking, corners kicks and throwings before anything else. At this point of time, we can give some simple instructions on the style of play but not too many and not too complex ones.

And yes, I agree, with our "cute" home gorund, we cannot play by the pass and it's out to neverland.

One last thing, when everyone gives me different suggestions and opinions, it's difficult to come up with a decision that makes everyone happy but of course, I will try to come up with a "Win-win" situation.

Khai, try not to miss this week's game, you will regret missing playing on a nice ground. I'm sure we can play some beautiful soccer this Sat (after all the hedious condition at home ground). After our game, I will be continuing to play the 5pm game with my church team on the same ground. That's how much I enjoy playing there!!

See ya guys this Sat. Cheers.