You know you are obsessed with wrestling when..........
1.When you won't leave yr bathroom until they play yr theme music.
2.When you hit yr colleague over the head with a chair while yr manager is distracting him.
3.When you try to put yr kids to sleep with the sleeper hold.
4.If you carry a foreign object in yr underwear.
5.When u attend a funeral and assume that the deceased just lost a casket match.
6.Your bed has ropes and turnbuckles on it.
7.You think the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibeasie is actually rich.
8.When you are getting bashed up in a bar but honestly believe that with a little crowd support,you can turn this thing around.
9.If you purposely blade yourself while shaving.
10.If you think that Elvis is a Honky Tong Man impersonator.