[http://www.straitstimes.com/premium/...-easy-20140531 Local PMEs don't have it easy Published on May 31, 2014 1:22 AM I REFER to the report ("MPs want more protection, support for local PMEs"; Tuesday) When I was the general manager of a local IT company and, subsequently, a financial controller for a Dutch multinational corporation, I preferred hiring foreign mid-level staff for the following reasons: - The company did not need to pay CPF contributions for them; - Their salary expectations were lower than Singaporeans'; and - Their skill sets and experiences were on a par with those of Singaporeans. The total cost differential between local and foreign professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) was 20 to 40 per cent. An Asian foreign employee with a degree and work experience can easily afford a city apartment and family sedan in his home country if he makes $200,000 during his stint here. In Singapore, $200,000 would allow a Singaporean with the same qualifications to buy only a three-room HDB flat in outlying regions like Woodlands or Jurong. A family car would set him back by $120,000. An Asian foreigner's cost of living back home is so much lower than ours. Hence, he is more willing to work for $3,000 to $5,000 a month. But a Singaporean graduate earning $4,000 a month will be trying to keep up with inflation. It does not make sense that a foreign PME working here has a bright future, while his Singaporean counterparts are struggling with their living expenses, unless they are in strong sectors like banking and health care, where pay is high. A levy is imposed when one hires a maid, but there is no such tax for hiring foreign PMEs. No wonder foreign PMEs were replacing local ones at an increasing rate until tighter restrictions were imposed last year. At the moment, the local PME retrenchment rate is still high as employers are hiring foreigners for the cost savings. Over the medium to long term, this will weaken Singapore's economy as local PMEs will become structurally unemployed as they lose their skills and employability. Lim Kay Soon Quote:
The Leeder PM (Problems Maker) LEE HSIEN LOONG not pro positive employment for local PME. That explains why we are what we are now where employment is concern.
When the time comes, kick lhl out. Ridiculous that highest overpaid PM creates employment prob for his bosses the citizens. It has no shame to receive such overly paid exorbitant amount of salary yet treat own citizens like dirt on employment.
Originally posted by SJS6638:The Leeder PM (Problems Maker) LEE HSIEN LOONG not pro positive employment for local PME. That explains why we are what we are now where employment is concern.
When the time comes, kick lhl out. Ridiculous that highest overpaid PM creates employment prob for his bosses the citizens. It has no shame to receive such overly paid exorbitant amount of salary yet treat own citizens like dirt on employment.
problem maker ...
i lol'd
i say Ministers should be cheaper, better and faster.
2 million for him, no way.
Originally posted by SMB145B:problem maker ...
i lol'd
i say Ministers should be cheaper, better and faster.
2 million for him, no way.
He is thicker skin than elephants to volunteer overpaying himself.
Originally posted by SJS6638:He is thicker skin than elephants to volunteer overpaying himself.
... how irony when we are told to bite not 1 but 3 bullets. i don't think they could even handle a very light spray. how funny is their so called "thick skin"
imposed maid levy ...
now the maids went over to other places.
create CPF
we are paid at 116%* but only received about 80%*, and might not be enough**
cutting workers transport
public crammed with workers, workers paying extra out of their wallet, other commuters ranting.
having income tax
rich are taxed lower than the poor. (win liao lor)
* might be different for other age groups
** 155k minimum sum (wtf)
Originally Posted by shashimi
Thread source (HWZ): Gahmen, not employer should pay 17% employer CPF contribution, so that Singaporeans can have EQUAL footing
no point imposing a 17% tax on foreigner. these foreigner have the advantage of the currency at their side. they can afford to downplay. but can sinkies down play their value? |
PR also have that crap as well.
please abolish the CPF. on top of that, up to 16% by paid by the Govt.
When the AEC (Asean Economic Community) comes into effect next year, Sinkies should expect more Sinkie PMETs (especially male Sinkie ones) to be out of job.
Below are the reasons:
1. If you are an employer, would you prefer to hire male Sinkie PMETs or male PMETs from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar? Male Sinkies cost considrably more and they have to undergo reservist training at least once a year till age 40 or till for whatever medical reason. Employers don't like their staff to go "disappear", right?
2. Sinkapore is the wealthiest city-state in Asean. It claims to have achieved the Swill standard of living, even exceeding that of Switzerland's. More Asean PMETs will want to come here.
3. Any Asean PMET who is fluent in Engrand are welcome to work here. The converse is not true. Sinkie PMETs who wish to work in other Asean countries must be fluent in the national language of the host country. Job advertisements in other Asean countries always specify that job applicants must be fluent in the national language. Another example: if a Sinkie medical doctor wishes to practise in say, Vietnam, the Vietnamese medical registration board requires that s/he be fluent in Vietnamese. This is understandable because medical doctors should be able to converse easily with their patients.
P.S.: LHL is one of the prime movers and promoters of AEC where trade in services and labor is free of encumbrances among Asean countries.
conscription is cheap labour. so much spending on military yet still pays our boys dirt cheap.
where are the money?
even public transportation oso no concession for our army boys
please take pity on these poor souls
Originally posted by pinkcolor:When the AEC (Asean Economic Community) comes into effect next year, Sinkies should expect more Sinkie PMETs (especially male Sinkie ones) to be out of job.
Below are the reasons:
1. If you are an employer, would you prefer to hire male Sinkie PMETs or male PMETs from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar? Male Sinkies cost considrably more and they have to undergo reservist training at least once a year till age 40 or till for whatever medical reason. Employers don't like their staff to go "disappear", right?
2. Sinkapore is the wealthiest city-state in Asean. It claims to have achieved the Swill standard of living, even exceeding that of Switzerland's. More Asean PMETs will want to come here.
3. Any Asean PMET who is fluent in Engrand are welcome to work here. The converse is not true. Sinkie PMETs who wish to work in other Asean countries must be fluent in the national language of the host country. Job advertisements in other Asean countries always specify that job applicants must be fluent in the national language. Another example: if a Sinkie medical doctor wishes to practise in say, Vietnam, the Vietnamese medical registration board requires that s/he be fluent in Vietnamese. This is understandable because medical doctors should be able to converse easily with their patients.
P.S.: LHL is one of the prime movers and promoters of AEC where trade in services and labor is free of encumbrances among Asean countries.
why you call Singaporean Sinkies? this is a derogatory term, like Nigger for the black, Chink for Chinese, Hongkies for Hong Konger, or ah gua for the hormo...
Originally posted by sgdiehard:why you call Singaporean Sinkies? this is a derogatory term, like Nigger for the black, Chink for Chinese, Hongkies for Hong Konger, or ah gua for the hormo...
Sinkie and 'Pinkie': it's all over the internet. It is good to be self depreciating at times. Unless Pinkie wants to push through Les Majesty laws through his rubber stamp parliament: then I have no say about that...
Originally posted by bic_cherry:Sinkie and 'Pinkie': it's all over the internet. It is good to be self depreciating at times. Unless Pinkie wants to push through Les Majesty laws through his rubber stamp parliament: then I have no say about that...
A person who cannot appreciate who he is is unlikely to appreciate things around him.
The black in American never call themselves nigger, the Hong Kongers pui at people who call them hongkie, all Chinese students (singapore, malaysian, taiwan, china) all stand up against the angmoh when they were called chink.
Singaporean who are not proud of Singapore, I am not talking about the political parties, are unlikely to gain support from Singaporean for what they say.
What the hell is pinkie? is there a country called pink?
Originally posted by sgdiehard:A person who cannot appreciate who he is is unlikely to appreciate things around him.
The black in American never call themselves nigger, the Hong Kongers pui at people who call them hongkie, all Chinese students (singapore, malaysian, taiwan, china) all stand up against the angmoh when they were called chink.
Singaporean who are not proud of Singapore, I am not talking about the political parties, are unlikely to gain support from Singaporean for what they say.
What the hell is pinkie? is there a country called pink?
[GSGT] Pinky Loong said he watched Singapore vs Pinoyland http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/eat-drink-man-woman-16/%5Bgsgt%5D-pinky-loong-said-he-watched-singapore-vs-pinoyland-4011638.html
So U know who pinky is; and pinky says we are Sampan2.0 only.
So we are all $inkies right???!!!.
Pinky Loong is king hahaha...
Nationalism without moralism is no point. Pls do not be so stressed bro...