Originally posted by foxwalk:
Do you support the race classification in Singapore?
From what I've seen, there have been a lot of racist comments in the forums, whether it's this forum or some other. Our govt is seriously deluded (or a pathological liar) when it says there is racial integration/harmony in Singapore.
From what I've observed so far, it seems if countries have a more homogeneous culture (like in the US..) multiracial societies have more racial integration. of course that does not erase the prejucide that they still have.
What is the CMIO (chinese malay indian others) classification in Singapore for? Are you against or for that?
I do think it's ridiculous that children of mixed heritage have to be forced to take their fathers' races as theirs.
I think the CMIO classification is merely for the govt to carry out their "plans", such as HDB racial policy and so on. However I find it totally unnnecessary. Many countries do not require this classification.. and I don;t just mean Western countries and more liberal socieities.
Then we shd scrap the M/F classification as well since there is sexual discrimination in Singapore.

.... and there are transgender ppl dun you think its ridiculous that they are forced to take their gender at birth even after they have gone for sex change operation ?